Book Expo America – the aftermath

My sore throat has become a lovely little head cold and I’m surviving on wonton soup, ginger-ale, and chocolate ice cream…come to think on it, I eat like that even when I’m not sick.

It was a good BEA. There was more action at our booth this year than at L.A. last year, although I won’t miss the quietude that is Sunday (BEA goes to just weekdays starting next year). This time around I saw Julie Andrews (and I absolutely did not make any cracks about hills, music, or chimney sweeps) James Patterson, Joe Scarborough (talked with him briefly about an author of mine, Joseph Balkoski and their interview in Normandy back in 2004,) John Ringo (was able to thank him in person for blurbing my first book,) and many friends in the book industry including several over from the UK. I had a nice chat with George Mann of Black Library (of Games Workshop/Warhammer fame) and enjoyed the hospitality of David Farnsworth, President of Casemate Publishing, at his military history soiree at St. Andrew’s Pub on Saturday night.

It was a good show, much business and networking was done, as well as meeting old friends and making new ones, and I am so glad there’s a whole year to go before the next one.

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