Wet but not remotely wild at the moment

It’s raining here in New York which turns everything very, very gray. I went out early to my nearby bodega and grabbed a toasted bagel egg sandwich for breakfast and am now puttering about the apartment doing some spring cleaning. I got in a great writing jag yesterday at the library and may venture out again depending on how hard it’s raining this afternoon.

I started reading the Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde last night. I’m intrigued, but I wouldn’t say I’m fully engaged with the story yet. So far it’s reading like an alternate history that may or may not have a pay off. It could be that’s simply background to the real focus which may in fact be the main character, Thursday Next. I do like the idea of the Crimea War still going on 150 years later though its apparent peripheral nature makes me wonder why. I definitely like the genetically modified pets including wingless dodos brought back from extinction. As with almost any book, however, it is significantly more interesting than television so I plan to enjoy my rainy Sunday with what I hope is going to be a very good book.

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