The saga of the lower extremities (tibias to be precise)

Was back at the orthopedic surgeon’s today for an assessment. Running is still verboten, but I can spin (stationary bike) and will now start physio therapy. I had hoped to be healed by now, but alas, it’s going to take some time to heal. And no, I’m not frustrated One. Little. Bit….ARGHHHHHHH.

I met China Mievelle’s editor for lunch today, but I knew him – Chris Schluep – when he was working out of a converted photo-copier cubbyhole in the previous RH building on Times Square, and I was so green I could have doubled for broccoli. We talked publishing and writing and he gave me a copy of China’s latest to read, The City & The City. I told him he should get better copy editors, but he assured me the title was intentional. And we laughed.

And I had an entirely unsatisfying turkey hotdog for dinner. Snacking will ensue.

  1. arcticghost

    Grrs…I was hoping you’d get better news about your legs. Sigh. You should have opted for a chocolate fudge sunday to offset bad doctor news, with nuts and marshmallow … hmm, or just picked up a large container of Rocky Road 🙂

    But seriously, bummer. Do you still have to wear the boot?

    • admin

      I like the ice cream idea a lot 🙂 The boot is worn now whenever the pain flares up, which I’m happy to say is happening less and less.


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