I can quit whenever I want…really

In fact, in 9 days I plan to do just that, but until then I am addicted to polls. I need my fix. Zogby starts me off in the morning followed by a check of Pollster and Real Clear Politics for a rolling average of the biggest national polls. Then, around 9ish, I clock in with Rasmussen. My day isn’t complete until Gallup come out with their three day rolling at 1pm, but then I need more and slide by 538.com for some real hardcore stats. If that isn’t enough to satisfy I’ll cruise a few blogs and even as a last desperate act, the network websites.

Sarah Palin – if god does exist she conclusively proves he/she/it has one wicked sense of humor.

  1. stillnotbored

    Sarah Palin – if god does exist she conclusively proves he/she/it has one wicked sense of humor.

    I think the word you’re searching for is perverse. Maybe even perverted. 😉

    I’ve already voted. I’m in the holding my breath stage.


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